Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Drive To Tara

Once the car trailer is loaded up with sheets of flooring for the kitchen, and we have up the car with food and bedding we head on out to Tara for a couple of weeks. The drive as far as Dalby was an easy run without any problems with the flooring slipping around.

It's a 4 hour run out to Tara and after you leave Dalby there are no street lights on the final 88klm run to Tara so it is pitch black after the sun goes down.

We just leave Dalby and it starts to pour down with rain. Looking out towards Tara we can see lightening and hear the loud claps of thunder. As we drive into the storm the rain makes it hare to see the road and there are also drifts of foggy mist adding to the problem.

We finally reach the Tara turnoff Tara and by now the storm has taken hold and lightening lights up the sky and the surrounding countryside for seconds and then everything becomes pitch black again. The scene is very dramatic as the trees show black against the lit sky like something out of a horror movie.

Finally we reach the Miegunyah Estate turnoff and leave the tar sealed section of the road and turn onto the muddy, slushy dirt road complete with water-filled potholes. So we bounce along slipping and sliding all over the place until we reach our turnoff. When the road is wet it is like driving on marbles.

It doesn't take too long to unpack the car in the rain. We settle in with a hot cup of tea and watch some dvd's. As it has been a couple of weeks since we were last here the spiders, moths, mosquitoes and other assorted wildlife have taken over the house.

A quick run around with the broom despatches most of them. Those near the ceiling get a reprieve as neither of us is tall enough to reach to the top of the 3.3 mtr (11 feet).

The next day is bright and sunny. The rain has been good for the dam and it is now nearly full. The level reaches over the concrete pipe which was well exposed before.

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